On Tuesday, 27th August 2024, Rabb Di Awaaz, India’s first multi-inclusive Hindi feature film, captivated an audience of over 400 viewers and educators at Govt. College, Raipur Rani, Panchkula. This powerful screening combined entertainment with education, effectively highlighting the vital themes of Inclusive Cinema, Inclusive Education, and mental health through the transformative medium of cinema.
Rabb Di Awaaz has now reached a remarkable milestone of 127 screenings since its release on 28th December 2023!
The film continues its extraordinary journey, with each show deepening its impact across the nation.
Adding to the event’s significance, National Award-Winning Film Director Shri Ojaswwee Sharma and the beloved Actor Abhinav Sharma (RJ Karan) personally attended the screening. Their interaction with the students and educators post-screening enriched the experience, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.